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My New Krib babies doomed for death?


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Hi I need help!

My Kribs just bread but they are in a 200 lieter community tank. Will they survive? How do I feed them? How can I get them to grow? When do I need to transfer them to another tank? THe parents at the moment are taking good care of the new babies. Please give me some insight thanks heaps.

I am really excited I'm pretty new to the hobby and they have bred.

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I would imagine it will depend on how much cover there is and what else is in the tank. If both parents are looking after them the other fish (species?) may not get much of a look in until they are a bit bigger as kribs can be vicious when they need to. The fact that the've raised them this far will be testament to this.

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My Tank has different types of tetras, lampeyes, Buenas Aires, Emperor, and diamond and glowlight tetras there's also Swordtails and cory and b-nose cats and rams. I agree that Kribs can be territorial and protective. I think that they took off one of my rams tails this happened before and it caused one of my old rams to die. So should I justl leave until they get bigger and then move them to another tank? My Kribs are impossible to catch in such a big tank.

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I wouldn't be risking the parents with other fish when they have a brood happily travelling around the tank with ma and pa, could mean disaster for the other fish... Especially if these Kribs have had a go before... have you got a spare tank for babies... and parents if you want to move them aswell? I wouldn't be leaving it till they are bigger, the sooner they are out, the better.

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