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i guess its up to everyone what they want in their tank and such.

i have a sand bed and crushed coral for my substrate becuase i want a natural look and i think it will contribute to my water conditions (going for the most natural environment possible)

but if your making a tank purely for its aesthetic value then you may not want a substrate. i thought it looked really nice, it did look kindof clinical but i found it really nice to look at (not cluttered and very open)

i tried to find the picture but cant see it any where

maybe it was on ultimatereef

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The 'berlin' method has no substrate. Just rock and skimmer.

Sand is only required for aesthetics.

Michael Moore (the RC Married with children guy) doesn't use sand and his tank is a stunner.

Don't use sand in an acrillic tank.

You will get life with a sand bed as Alois say, so there is a plus.

I have read lots about substrates. Either use less than 2 inches, more than 8 inches or none. anything inbetween will be a 'shit trap'.

Some people vacum there gravel, I havn't in 18 months, without problem and my tank is clean. I think this is more to do with the aggressive water flow than the sand though.

substrate is a funny thing, I suspect that no matter what you do it will be wrong. :)

FYI for my new tank I am using a 2inch bed. I think a tank looks better with it than without it. I dont' belive a DSB is worth the risk. 1 inches works for me now, so I am just going to do the same.


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Its coral sand, get it from anywhere you can get it from.

I quickly rinced mine but wanted to keep the fine dusty stuff too. Water was very merky for 1 day, was crystal clean when I got up the next day.

Mixed grain, doesn't really matter. I am using 2mm in my tank, 2-4 on the coral growout tank. Don't think its a big deal really. I am going to buy 2mm again.


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