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what can mushrooms survive


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thought it would be interestin to see if any one has stories about the tolerance level of mushrooms (or other corals for that matter)

this post being inspired by my experiance in the weekend

i was cleaning out my cannister filter (i run it for carbon and mechanical filtration)

i pulled out the little compartment thingys and started rinsing out the carbon bags ant the trays, when i saw a nasty brown thing clinging to the underside of the tray. thinking that it was a evil parasite planning a take over of my tank i turned over the tray to get a closer look, and what did i see....... a little blue mushroom very healthy and holdin on very tight, i transferd him to the main tank and he seems find so far. i assume it popped off my rock that has mushies on it ( they are all fighting for room at the moment) and went into the intake made it through the foam filter and got snagged on the tray

crazy stuff

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JetSkiSteve sent me some corals early this year. He sent them on Monday afternoon. The arrived at my homeon Thursday afternoon. Xenia died, leather coral died. Dozens of mushrooms, yellow polyps, green star polyps survived. As did some calistrea and a small pistol shrimp stuck in a piece of rock.

The box stunk though, was't pretty.


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A brown mushroom survived on the liverock steve shipped me too. Was just a little thing, barely even a brown speck at first, I think. Actually, other than color it looks almost exactly a little toadstool mushroom at the moment.

Oh, and a bigass aiptasia survived too! I bet they're even tougher than mushrooms. Gotta do something about that one.

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