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Correct common names and L#s


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As a matter of interest the "flathead"gold nugget are L067 Pseudancistrus sp.

A case of importer coming up with a name.

I see that butterfly/flounders are being called bumblebee pleco on importers list as well. They looks L52 to me as opposed to L168.

Anyone got some of them.

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I think sometimes it comes down to money money money... bugger the correct ID... and that is coming from the asian exporters overseas, just interested in the quick buck :-? :x

Hubbys work has "Bumblebee Plec" in this week.. will have a nosey... 8)

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I think sometimes it comes down to money money money... bugger the correct ID... and that is coming from the asian exporters overseas, just interested in the quick buck :-? :x

Sometimes that actually works in our favour . The odd species gets through mis-Id'd- L254 and L400 have come in the last year under different names.

Sometimes the importers even get a surprise

Hubbys work has "Bumblebee Plec" in this week.. will have a nosey... 8)

I amazed no-one has listed them in their collections. They have been bred here before- lovely little fish, amazing changes in colourings when camoflauging. Friend's got a few that they hope to breed.

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L200 'Hi fin' is 'demantoides' a baryancistrus species like gold nugget which can be distinguished from the 'subviridis', a Hemiancistrus species that we get here, like blue phantom..

the "hi fin" is best ID'd by the dorsal and adipose fins being joined where the Hemiancistrus has obvious seperartion.

The adult male leading dorsal ray is higher than female so this may be reason for confusion as it is probable that the recent imports of 'show" size l200 are all male Hemiancistrus and not Hi fins as some are calling them.

Would love to know if anyone does have demantoides

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