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How do you play with your fish?


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I don't know if it's "playing" but what I'm doing at the moment is geting a bit of flake wetting it in the tank and sticking it on the glass. The platys don't seem to be able to jump but it's funny watching them push each other out the way to get this little bit of food :lol: . But my baby fighters all seem to like to see who can get this bit of food. The Angels seem to be able to get as well.

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Yeah :lol: :lol: . The baby fighters all line up to jump for it. I'm trying to see how high my little baby one can jump (he's about 3cm from tip of his to the end of his tail). So far he's jumped 1cm :lol:

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Well the gold kiwifruit was a hit. Thanks Captain Conkout. One of the bristlenoses has his head buried in it now, munching away! I'm reluctant to take it out but it's been in there since Saturday and there are now bits of fruit floating all over the tank - I need to give the filter a chance to catch up!

Gold kiwifruit will definitely be used again.

Uh-oh! I obviously left the kiwifruit in too long and I have a major case of cloudy water in my tank!

Funnily enough a colleague of my partner's dropped in yesterday. He's obviously not a fish-person (he asked all kinds of questions that anyone who's even kept a goldfish in a bowl would probably know). Anyway he said he loved the look of the tank - and apparently one of the things he liked the most was the slightly diffused lighting effect - i.e. the cloudy water! Made me feel a bit better about it! :lol:

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Uh-oh! I obviously left the kiwifruit in too long and I have a major case of cloudy water in my tank!

Me too obviously whetu lol

Just got home and thought things looked a bit cloudy, have removed kiwifruit and looks like a water change is on the cards tonight

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