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Female fighter spinning male around by his head?


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i'm trying to breed my fighters for the first time. the male has been living in this tank for a few weeks and i introduced the female in a glass chimney yesterday.

the male started to build a bubble nest in half a polystyrene cup. i released the female a couple of hours ago and all looked fine, he was chasing her but there seemed to be no aggression.

all of a sudden she started to bite his head and spin him around in circles. this has happened at least two times. he seems fine and is still chasing her and trying to embrace her it seems.

is the spinning normal or is she at risk of really hurting him?

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some females do nip the males but never heard of them spinning them around. The male needs to be able to wrap around her when breeding so if shes too much bigger than him they won't be able to breed. Good luck I hope she calms down

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so the spinning around is weird?! i didn't think it was such a good thing!

all is calm at the moment, they are side by side beneath the poly cup, he is swimming around her rubbing against her it seems, she doesn't seem to object but definitely isn't head down.

she is about 1cm bigger than him i think but its hard to tell because her body is very light in colour and he (along with his long fins) is very dark in colour. she also looks a bit fat at the moment. too big do you think?

the male is about 6months old i think and got a severe beating up in one of my community tanks after i first got him. a danio was the culprit i think. he's had about 3-4 weeks to regain his strength in a different tank & is looking good again. the female is about a year old and is the mellow & better looking one of my two sisters.

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I think leave them together as they are called fighters and they do fight but if they are both under the cup they might be getting ready to breed. If nothing happens in a week I'd seperate them (thats what I've read to do). If shes fat thats good it means she full of eggs and the bigger she is the better. Im pretty sure if he's only 1cm shorter he should be able to wrap around her. just leave them together and see what happens. Mine breed the day after I put them together but others breed differently and after you get a spawn from them you'll know how they breed and what they do before they breed. Good luck and let us know how you get on.

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Just read that other post (it wasn't there before I posted mine) and that sounds terrible. Certain females like certain males and may be aggro to one and be really good to others but I don't know I've never heard of them taking their eyes out (although I think my female took an eye out of one of my baby platys)

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yeah very evil eh taking out his eye! you can never predict what will happen though.

i do have another male that is a lot tougher than my beaten up boy (he lives in the community tank fine whereas the other one got really badly savaged).

should i try him instead with her or set up him up with my other female? he is a bit bigger and definitely more dominant than my stunning looking male.

my female is much fatter than her sister (who is the same size) and i'm pretty sure this has occurred overnight so maybe she is full of eggs.

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I find when my female is with my male (or even just see him) she fulls up with eggs faster. I'd try that male but watch very very carefully and make sure that it doesn't happen again.

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i've put the other male in the breeding tank with my other female in the glass chimney. i hope she will not be as mean to him as her sister was to the other boy! i will release them tomorrow.

they are both flaring up at each other.

hopefully she leaves his eyes intact!

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my eyeless male died overnight :(

the female in the chimney has blown a layer of bubbles along the side of the glass overnight, is this normal?

the male hasn't blown any bubbles at all but is flaring up at her, and she is back to him.

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thats what i'm worried about, i don't want to have another death...

would she only blow a layer of bubbles if she was a male? they're just around the edge of the glass vase.

i bought the two females about a year ago from a local breeder. they live in a community tank with gouramis, loaches, angels, silver dollars etc and only ever caused a problem when they didn't like a dwarf gouramis that was introduced. they left him alone after a few days though.

she is flaring her gills & fins at him... sounds very silly but how would i know if she is actually a short finned male?!

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what is an egg spot please cam?

she has made a line of bubbles along the edge of her glass vase, i'm not really sure i'd call it a nest.

she looks the same shape as her sister (the eye eater) but her body is slightly darker.

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yes she does have an egg spot.

they've been released and they're being watched. no head spinning so hopefully these two are a better match.

it was a really gorgeous male i got off you adodge that died overnight :( now i'm having a go with my petshop male! he's not so bad though.

i am really sure the guy i got the 2 females from wouldn't have given me a male as at the time i only had one tank and he thought it best not to get a male.

is it best to have the filter on or off? its quite a strong filter and is off at the moment, it can't be turned down.

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