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Just not meant to be


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My tale begins around 6 mths ago when I got a batch of young Agassizii. 6 beautiful fish and grew them up with loads of live food and lots of water changes. Been waiting for some to show signs of breeding.

Last week I acquired 2 beautiful male agassiziii and found all of mine up until then had been girls. Good news eh :-)

A pair went into a 2' tank breeding tank and I waited and checked and waited and checked and waited some more, no joy :-(

1st mistake: Finally decided today do a big clean out and water change. 1/2 way through I found eggs. :-?

2nd mistake: but by then had destroyed the tank so much I had to remove them to raise them separately.

3rd mistake: I left the parents in the tank and reset it up as well as I could. The female too exception to my tampering and dealt out a world of hurt on her former boyfriend. :(

It took less than an hour from thinking all would be ok to finding a dead male floating around the tank :(:(:(

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Yeah hopefully the 2nd male will be ok. I have played this stupid game before with them and should have known better.

On a positive note. Another spawning of blue rams tonight. around 150 - 200 eggs.

3 seperate plastic bins now with cockatoo fry, ram and agassizii eggs.

I doubt if, pound for pound, there are many more agressive fish than a female agassizii with eggs, they are just nasty. None of this mucking about with fin nipping they go for the gills and eyes.

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Glad to hear there are positives Bilbo 8) Stoked for you if your eggs go well :D

I found that breeding Apistogramma sp. nanay/melgar, I kept and bred rather a few batches and they were fair devils.... very nasty at times with spawning and look out anything else or look out male at times, he would turkey off just to keep the peace with her, and she meant business, like come near me and your are dead :-? :roll: :lol:

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