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Tropheus Duboisi Tank size?


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For breeding can they be kept in pairs? Or is it best to have like 1 male to every 2-3females?

And what size tank could they be kept in for breeding?

I would like to get some of these and give breeding them a go near the end of the year.

Any answers would be great :)

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As ryan says.. the more the merrier and a good sized tank is a must. Pretty sure the female that Tiden got off me produced with a male of his tho, not sure how big the group of them was together?

There is a guy down here who has T. moorii "Cherry Spots"... keen to get some at somet stage down the track but gee it's one of those get what you want to get done first things :lol:

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You would most definately want heaps of females, as the males do like the mating thing. Sometimes people have pairs or trios that can breed from this small group but more often then not when they get to the sub adult/adult stage you can get hiccups some bigger than others with only having a few.

If you get really hyper dominant males they can cause carnage no matter how many you have sometimes. Some say it is good to take these ones out and let the next dominant male to take charge which is sweet, unless you get another hyper of course and run out of males or something hence why it is always better to start with alot like 15-20 but there isnt too many of us that can do that in one hit at retail prices.

Afrikan:She held afew times but just before I got my next 10 she died of bloat I'm guessing from my male & female possibly which was weird since she was bigger than both of them and had been in their for ages but that tropheus for you :-?

p.s im not totally burnt yet :wink:

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Awww sorry to hear she died Tiden :( , did you manage to keep any of her fry or did you not manage to get any from her?

Yes they certainly can be a trial and error thing huh... little varments :D

I remember a nice Moori I had, he was hell on wheels :lol:

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She never held long enough she always got to like 2wks or so and I would be like sweet I will strip tomorrow :roll:

Btw on topic :roll: I would recommend at least 3ft for fry to about 4cm at a push then 5ft plus after that.

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is all important.

I had 20 in a 4x2x2.

Heaps and heaps of rock and then some more.

Aggresive litlte blighters were just fine until until some mentioned s.e.x.

then it was war.

Not sure if mix wasnt right or what.

had then since spotties that were brought in from Redwood.

held a few time in main tank.

Dont have em now.

Would again in an instant but need lotto to do that again.

There is a chap down here who has succesfully kept and breed a pair.

uses a devider unle it game time.

Lifts devider they do the deed then seperates them out again.

not my thing but works for him



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