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Red Tiger Oscars Bred - Updated Pics/Clip


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Just went out to the fish shed to find that our pair of Red Tigers have bred :bounce: :bounce:

Ok I might be showing a little too much excitement, but I am really looking forward to raising these youngsters, well going to give the parents a good go first.. :roll: :lol:

Will post some pics later, mum is busy tending to her eggs... just hope they both behave with the batch :D

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Yeah I will always have a soft spot for the grumpy greedy buggers... :lol:

Mum is still guarding the slate, and if we do decide to take the eggs, (not sure at this stage)... then I am going with ryans suggestion of using divers gloves.... :lol: :lol: Being smacked by an Oscar isn't excrutiating but it is an ouch... :lol:

Will have some pics tonight :D

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As I said really glad these guys bred for you makes the trip etc worth it :)

Make sure you post some pic's I hope they work out to be great parents or good luck to Daf for removing the eggs have heard some stories about those guys when they tried to take them.

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Thanks ryan :D

Yeah well had the odd ding from an Oscar before and hells teeth :lol: Certainly left a scuff, and this was over food, so can imagine the buggers around their piece of slate :lol: :lol: :lol:

Definately pics tonight... still undecided whether to leave them with parents or not, showing a good sign of parenting so far... hate to disturb them if infact they want to make a good go of raising them.. will suss tonight 8)

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Congrats I look foward to seeing the pics. How long do the eggs take to hatch? I'd leave them with the parents as theres no point being attacked if they are good parents :lol: :lol:

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Here is a quick clip that hubby went out and took... just so you can see the interaction between parents and eggs on the slate... at the end you will see how protective dad is while mum does the majority of the work... :lol: He is on lookout... Sorry about the pump noise in background, our big pump packed it up, so have a replacement running in the shed, and a noisy one at that :-? waiting on arrival of new one.... sooner rather than later I might add.. :-? :lol:


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Update: Have taken the eggs..... ma and pa have good parenting skills however, they were too busy worrying about what each other were doing after a while and eyes too much on each other instead of on the eggs... :lol:

There are still a good amount of viable eggs on the slate, have two wrigglers so far, some eggs not viable.... of which is common 8)

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What size tank did you have these in before you transferred them to the breeding tank.If i wanted to put in a pair of Oscars and a pair of jack dempsey's would a six foot do.It must be so exciting for you.I love watching the young ones grow.Oscars are so great as they do interact with you.

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mumzy - The Oscars are in a big 4ft tank, good height and depth.... just their breeding tank. Not sure a breeding pair of each would be a good thing.... Jack Dempseys can get very highly territorial with breeding aswell as the Oscars, if you have a pair of each.. ie male/female of each in there, it could turn rather nasty if one or both decide to breed.

Bilbo - They are both a hard case :D :lol: They were busy fanning the eggs quite happily, yet they were just far too nosey wondering what the other is getting up to every 5 mins and that taking their interest off the eggs, so they ended up not fanning the eggs as much as I would have liked, so we have removed the slate with eggs and placed them in a very large box bin with meth and a good water flow... Looking good :D

Getting the eggs wasn't a mission, the parents were rounded down the other end of the tank quietly and a plastic storage lid used as a divider so time could be taken on grabbing the slate carefully :lol:

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Update: Have at least 40 plus wrigglers, (phew not too many for this first spawning.. as I am going to have my hands full and a heap of mouths to feed otherwise)... :lol:

Some are still attached to the slate, some have left the slate and taking off already :D

Had been carefully peeling off the eggs that didn't come to anything with tweezers... before they caused any problems 8)

I know for sure next time that we are going to take the eggs straight away, the parents were doing a great job ie fanning them and protecting them and not consuming at least, but unfortunately they took too much attention away from the eggs after sometime..

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Update..... Have around 50-60 Oscars (it now seems :lol: ) freeswimming :D A few extra mouths to feed than first thought... There were a few tucked away under the lifted end of slate prior to free swimming 8)

Loads of Brineshrimp bubbling away... water changes.... :roll: :D

Pics up tonight....

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