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Bolovian Butterflies


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Hey fishy folk

I have two male Bolivian Butterflies. There's a bit of wood that acts as the DMZ and defines the boundaries for them and they pretty much leave each other alone. There's the occasional spat, but it's just posturing. One appears to be slightly dominant.

Can I add a female without starting a punch-up?


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You could add a female but hmm it could start a punch up, that boundary line may not exist if a female is brought into the equation 8) A couple of females sounds like a better idea, fun watching them pair off too :) Would just have to watch one pair doesn't decide to own the tank and make life a living hell for the other, how big is your tank?

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I have three males and one female in a three foot tank,and they are fine.The odd scrape happens but nobody gets hurt.I have plants and heaps of hiding places and that makes a difference.Its not the best way to have them.Better off i think with the female out numbering the males.

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She is one lucky female :D :lol: Well hmmm that could be debatable tho, 3 males to pick up after :-? :)

I love the constant niggling Bolivians do.. almost head butting at times.. they are full of personality.. but can be little devils.

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You could add a female but hmm it could start a punch up, that boundary line may not exist if a female is brought into the equation 8) A couple of females sounds like a better idea, fun watching them pair off too :) Would just have to watch one pair doesn't decide to own the tank and make life a living hell for the other, how big is your tank?

It's a 440L planted community tank. Typical, females cause trouble? :D

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I might see if i can trade my extra males in.It was only a few weeks ago i traded my extra female in for a male.Then some body said do you want some freebies and i said yes please.Males are so much more trouble,Your right African :lol:

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