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Eeek some of my cichlids are gasping at the surface


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I did a water change today but had run out of water ager so I didn't use any. I thought this was ok cos I had read on another thread that lots of people don't use any. I also cleaned the glass (for this I usually use a woolworths 'one card' :lol: It works well!). Anyway, could I have inadvertantly tainted the water with something? Lack of water ager? anyway I have more WA now and am doing another water change. Any advice would be great. It is only the smaller ones at the top gasping.

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Yeah definately check out the water movement situation, and make sure surface is being broken enough as others have said 8)

Oh another thing, how often do you do water changes?

Oh wow that is interesting because I actually filled it a little higher than usual today and the outflow is under the surface so I will go and rectify that. Water changes, once a week usually. It is a 200L tank (or thereabouts) and I do about 6-8 buckets each time.

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Sounds like you nailed that on the head pretty quickly :)

Gasping at the surface is a sign of lack of oxygen or filthy water... It pays not to rely on the movement from a spray bar as they tend to fall into the tank and not do too much :( Also fish can gasp if the temp is too high (ie heater stuck on)..

Good luck I hope you fixed the problem, your tank is probably bordering on overcrowded now which isn't a problem provided you have heaps of filtration and heaps of aeration :)

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