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Broken pearl danio


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I have seen this in different fish but do not know the specific cause. Could be disease or perhaps damage from being hit in the wrong place. Not sure there is anything you can do for it. If it appears to be otherwise healthy, can keep up enough to get food, is feeding well and fins are still erect I would leave it. If it looks like it is suffering in any way I would euthanase it.

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I had a similar sort of problem with a male killi fish I have.

His back end seemed a bit crooked and like he had no control over it. He got a bit picked on by the other fish, so I caught him and put him in my guppy / fry raising tank, and he seems to be doing fine.

He looks a little munted, but for all it's worth, he holds his own against the guppies, gets his fair share of the food, and he can really move when he wants to! :D :lol:

Like Caryl, I'd suggest keeping an eye on it and if it's doing ok, just leave it be - I'm a sucker and couldn't kill a fish if I tried! :o:cry:

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I feel sorry for loss. Just thought I would let you know that I had to put down a cherry barb last night for (kinda) the same thing. :(

Her tail was munted. I mean, there was a downwards pointing kink and she really had to work hard to move. I think it may be from me trying to catch another fish a while ago, and having the barb slip almost into the net but getting caught against the glass. If I broke its tail, I am extremely sorry. In my eyes though, the pain/torture (if I was the cause or not!) had been going on for long enough. I had to put the poor thing out of it's misery.

Just curious, but how many people here hang onto fish hoping that they'll pull thru? How long do you wait, and when do you say, "enough's enough!"

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Just curious, but how many people here hang onto fish hoping that they'll pull thru? How long do you wait, and when do you say, "enough's enough!"

i had my fav fish(male flame-red dwarf gourami) lose control of his direction(maybe swim bladder) anywya i had a glowluight suffer from smae thing and i reluctantlyput down my gourami after 3 days of noticing severe signs.

and sorry for the loss of you fish by the way, i (as i'm sure most people)am very sad when any of my fish get sick or die.

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