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Mixing discus of different sizes?


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I currently have 4 discus of the following sizes..... 2cm, 2.5, 4 and 4.5. The 4cm chases the larger one and the larger one chases the 2.5 and they seem to leave the little one alone most of the time.

Today i am receiving 6 large adult discus. If i leave the two small ones in the tank will they be picked on by all the large ones or will, because of the increased numbers, there be less interaction? I can separate the two smaller ones into a tank of their own and grow them up. Would this be preferable?

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Only started with discus this year but the new ones coming will be 10 - 12cm in size i would imagine. If this is the case I would keep both lots seperate if you have the room until the others grow a bit larger otherwise I would think that the smaller ones will have trouble getting to the food. It would pay to keep the newbies seperate for a few weeks any way until they have been checked for worms etc.

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Discus do best when in a group of 6 or more. By adding your adult discus your problems with the smaller ones may go away, but you need to make sure that they still get lots of food and daily water changes. If you find that the smaller discus are bullied by the larger ones then definitely separate them, but as long as you're giving all the discus the necessary care for the babies and there's little to no agression you should be sweet as and have lots of healthy fish.

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Small discus 20-25mm are just babies and have different needs compared to adult discus. They need frequent feeding and waterchange in order to grow and stay healthy.

Mixing them is not a good idea in my opinion. They will get stunted and worst case sinario die after a while due to stress and lack of food.



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