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ane1 want a fish cup to put ur GM danio in?


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i found this site after finding a fish cup at my work the site is 99% in korean(i think) but from the pictures u will get an idea of it its worse than golfish bowls the cup is slightly small than a pump bottle! http://www.fish-fish.net/ look under the product and photos section at the top google translator doesnt help much

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and people wonder why racism exists

A lot of American stores sell fish in containers this size. Recently a British company got in trouble from the RSPCA for selling ipods with fish inside them. A pub in New Zealand a few years ago was offering some kind of fancy cocktail where they dropped a live fish in it so the customer could swallow the fish live.

I don't wonder why racism exists. But I do get annoyed when people try to justify it.

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A lot of American stores sell fish in containers this size. Recently a British company got in trouble from the RSPCA for selling ipods with fish inside them. A pub in New Zealand a few years ago was offering some kind of fancy cocktail where they dropped a live fish in it so the customer could swallow the fish live.

I don't wonder why racism exists. But I do get annoyed when people try to justify it.


bio balls in this lil tank? where?

lol, water changes would be a breeze :lol:

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