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New cichlid tank help thanks


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Ok after saying I wouldnt do cichlids I have succumbed to them lol, wanting to try something a little more difficult. So I have changed my 220ltr (or maybe bigger I forget) to a cichlid tank.

I have added 3 E.yellows all getting on like a box of birds I will add more if there seems to be aggression issues but none so far.

I have a young giraffe in there and here lies the problem I have researched them and realise they do get big and are aggressive but so far he/she is not harassing the yellows at all but all it seems to do is swim up and down the front of the tank driving me mental. I think hes neurotic lol, maybe he needs more fish to chase to keep him occupied I dont know.

All the parameters are fine looking good and theres plenty of hiding places lots of rocks and plants (which hes not even interested in destroying) mid water hiding places etc. The fish itself looks fine no parasites etc hes just behaving like a nut case.

So my question is what could I put in there with him thats colourful and will hold its own against a giraffe, I dont want a tank full of giraffes either as I dont think my tank will be big enough for that but I obviously want more fish in there but what so any help info what ever would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers Shannon.

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You will find that your giraffe will be way more of an open swimmer... hence why he is cruising the tank, up and down and everywhere... mbuna tend to stick to rocks, mbuna means rock fish or rock dweller :D

Long term are you staying with that size tank or are you wanting to upgrade later on?

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oh man dont talk me into up grading I have enough tanks no more I say!!!!

I dont think hes swimming behaviour is normal of a open swimmer though, hes starting to get tank rub spot on his chin now.

I had a pearl gourami that behaved like this untill I put more gourami in for him to hang with and chase.

Would the giraffe settle down if I put other large fish in? I obviously dont want to overstock my tank but it does need more fish what fish do you recommend?

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Not trying to talk you into upgrading, I am just asking is that as big are you are going for an african tank longterm, so I know what to suggest :lol:

To be honest, no more giraffes... tank will be far too small longterm.

What is your filtration like?

I guess you like him enough to hold on to him... my giraffes that I had in our 6ft display were very active... loved living in a group to be honest... I had rather a few fish in the big tank to spread the aggression somewhat, to be honest tho, my giraffes were big babies :lol:

A nice harem of peacocks could be nice... or you could try Kadango... it is up to you... african tanks are a trial and error thing really, what works for some with species together may not work for others.... 8) He may work in with them at the moment, but be aware that as he gets bigger he might start thinking the tank belongs to him solely also..

Have you considered just having solely mbuna.. like E. Yellows and another species as display, maybe Demasoni?

There are a heap of options out there really.

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i had a couple of giraffes in my tank until they got too nasty. the only fish in my tank that put them in there place was my cobalt male. when the giraffe was getting agro the cobalt calmly swam up to him in the corner of my tank & gave him a beating then calmly swam away. it was hard case to watch. however the others didn't fair as well so the giraffes had to go. the giraffe was also the same size as the cobalt at that stage, he would have quickly outgrown them & im sure the outcome would have been different. I have a tank that is a similar size to yours, my stocking is in my sig below which may give you some ideas.

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yep Im planning on keeping this long term, I only wanted one giraffe and perhaps a couple of others like a kadango or peacock.

Ive read mixed opinions on giraffes and Im getting the idea that its completely up to the fish itself.

Definitely not going for a group of giraffes though as tank is way to small for that.

What sort of smaller Mbuna fish can I put in there as well it seems all the blue fish are really aggressive is that true?

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Your tank is too small for one giraffe long term so don't add anymore... I wouldn't worry about his/her behavour I have had giraffes do random things, also don't add kadango's they get too big for your tank also..

Things you can go for are maybe some zebra's (luck of the draw if they get too agro for your tank) maybe some demasoni.. Or as already stated a trio or more of peacocks but only one type unless your going to try and do all male.

Good luck :)

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*cough cough* seems that a friend has offered a 6 foot by 2 foot by 2 1/2 foot tank so ummm yeah I guess Im going to have a trial an error run if they dont like the 4 foot they can get thrown into the 6 foot.

so much for not getting any more tanks hubbys going to go mental lol.

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lol yeah hes used to the multiple tank syndrome now. I will hopefully get this tank in the next couple of months or so and then need to get it set up. The friend Im hopefully getting it from brought it over from canada with her she has 2 the same size both with stands apparently they hold 280 gallons.

So yeah should be some fun setting up a tank that size.

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That is a real nice size African tank :) So working it out to around 1060 litres.. if I worked it out right going by 280 gallons.. if I got the right gallons measurement :lol:

Or if it's 6ft by 2ft by 2.5 ft it will be around 810 litres.

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Im not sure but all I know is that is a big one. will have to hang out in the garage for the time being as I dont think my floor will handle all that weight. Plus we are renting and I really really dont want to damage their place!

Im trying to talk my friend back into fish keeping but she reckons its too damn expensive in NZ compared to Canada.

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