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Just after some opinions or experiances.

Next week i am off to auckland and will be picking up my new tank for my geos.

Has anyone had any experiance with keeping Surinimensis with Severums?

The tank will be a four footer with a few hardy plants(mainly xmas moss and amazon swords).

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

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In that past we kept Sevs with Suris, there wasn't an issue between them, however I guess it also depends on the individual fish.. ours were a box of birds...

Um but hmmmm watch the Sevs with plants, some can be rather destructive :o

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Not sure on the suramensis (spelling?) as I can't even remember how mine behaved or even if I kept them in the same tank as Sevs! But I will say your xmas moss wont have long to live with sevs. They'll be ok with swords, but if its plant like and fits in mouth........... they don't just eat it either, often they'll just rip it to bits because they want to (especially ambulia etc).

I've kept about 7 severums in the past, and they've all loved to eat plant.

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