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will BN use cave


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Give him a few weeks. The female will also need to fatten up.

You'll know she's ready when she keeps trying to get in his cave (e.g. spends half her time hanging around the entrance). You'll know he's ready when he sits there fanning all day (using his fins to circulate water). No idea why they do this in preperation, but they do.

Only need two. I've got a black male and black female in the giant gourami tank (male is very old, got him fully grown for free off fishyt), and the other day I removed a log full of bristlenose only a few days old (already hatched too).

The eggs will take a week to hatch, and he'll keep them clean and wont eat the offspring. If you remove the eggs/young to another tank, don't expect dad to let go, he'll spike up and hang on for dear life.

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Sweet. I have my 9cm male and my 8-9cm female but I also have 3 4cm ones and a 5cm one so I was wondering how long till They'll be breeding size. They're in a tank with 1-2cm baby platys so I don't ttink they'll eat them????

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Cam your male is in excellent breeding condition and is ready to spawn.

So all you need to do is keep on doing what you are and the female will condition up nicely in no time at all.

I think the male fans the cave prior to spawning to clean out and aerate the cave.

Keep up your water changes, this may trigger their first spawn and then on they will just go for it.

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:lol: you kind of miss the point Cam.

Doing a water change to trigger spawning causes a change in the water chemistry(it simulates a sudden down pour of rain) , if your doing small daily changes you don't have the same effect, not that it would hurt.

Don't forget I've seen your fish, I don't think you will have any trouble getting your female b/n into spawning condition fast, give them 2-4 weeks.

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Well now the female uses the pot and doesn't come out :roll: . The male doesn't use itso does this mean that they'll still breed because I thought the female goes over to the males cave and then they breed not the male goes to the females cave. does this mean I need to make another pot cave for them?

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In my experience BNs will either breed or not, for no reason I have ascertained. I have had no fry for the last 4 or 5 years but suddenly have them swarming about again :-? Nothing has changed in the tank and no fish added. Perhaps one of the younger females finally got interested. Some of the males are over 8 or 10 years old but I have no idea which 2 did the deed as the tank is heavily planted and they only all come out at feeding time.

Since I can't remember the last time they had a water change I doubt that was the trigger.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: I think my BNs are getting ready to breed. My females hanging around the cave and he's going in there and I think he's cleaning it out as all the food and poo is flying out, then he pokes his head out to see whats going on then he goes back to cleaning. So hopefully they'll breed soon. :bounce: :bounce:

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Is there anything they do before they breed. I know that he cleans out the cave (when he goes in there you can see all the stuff flying out the entrance) and she'll wait by the cave entrance for him. My female sits by the cave entrance (about 10cms away from the entrance). If the the male sees the female he'll chase her is this normal? Theres not too much info on the net about what they do before breeding so any help is appreciated.

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From what I've observed that's pretty normal behaviour. It can go on for several days then one day you'll notice that he won't come out of the cave at all. That'll be because he's looking after eggs.

Is the cave in a posistion where you can see in it?

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Was it ment to face the front?

Entirely up to you and the comfort of the fish. The cave that mine use is facing the front but the only reason I ask is because I was wondering how visible he is and if you would be able to see the eggs if there were any.

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I wouldn't worry about it too much but if you wanted you could maybe shift it a little when he's not near it, maybe do it 2 or 3 times over a wee while until you can get a looksee inside. It's pretty cool watching this....


turn to this....


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