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suitable SG for brackisk tank


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hi all i have looking for a suitable SG to set my brackish tank that will suit both mollies and bumblebee gobies its at 1.010 now a lot of the google results have different values so could some 1 in the know suggest a good value ? also wondering if FIg 8 puffers are ok with mollies and what the minimum size tank u need to keep them in is

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i guess 1.010 is a bit high this early on before i know its almost half seawater! but both species appear healthy and display normal behavior does ane1 know from experience? i would like to get a puffer if tank size and compatibility permits the 1s i have seen for sale lately are in 1.010 water( though i will be testing this with my hydrometer and noting the temperature before i buy 1) im reasonably sure mollies can handle a fair bit of salt so its really the gobies im worried about

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yeah i read somewhere people use them to cycle marine tanks another thing how slowly should u change SG the mollies where in freshwater 3 days ago dont know if thats bad i hope not they still healthy tho

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I don't know the answer to that question, but here's food for though......

Reef's are a reasonably stable environments, Yes or No ??

How stable are the water parameters in an environment when you have flushing of fresh or seawater several times a day -

To your question, how much can they handle??

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yes i forgot about that site :oops: that answers my question bout salinity i will lower it a bit to allow for evaporation and temperature fluctuations , its dosent say anething bout housing puffers with mollies maybe this is a no go mite make a puffer set up in the future then im sort of thinking my tank would be too small for a puffer aneway

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mmm mite have to up grade at some stage then its a really small tank its similar to an r338 but with an more effiecent filter has fluidised bed as well as way bigger in (but now on top) hood filter as well as a magi jet sand from supramanxj and jave fern and java moss (which will prolly die if i dont reduce the sg ) i did think about going open top with mangrove seedlings roots hanging in the water however i couldnt source ane.

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Hey Spoon,

I have a brackish tank as well, but no where near the seriousness of yours! At the moment I am using freshwater and artificial salt to increase the salinty - might keep in touch with you to trade ideas!

Anyway, I have mollies and bumblebee gobies in mine too, and they seem to handle variations in salinity ok, as long as it's not too much in one go.

From what I have read on figure 8 puffers, they can go in tanks with other fish, but have also been known to be fin nippers some times, so I guess it depends on the size of all the fish, and the size of the tank. I reckon a really neat puffer tank would be cool! I'd love to do it, but haven't seen any puffers around here at all!

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they some times have puffers down here, they are neat lil fishes so are the gobys mine are getting bigger now they are in brackish water my tanks not that serious its a small tank made up of odds and ends and a rough but working excellent DIY filter i was using organic sea salt (no flowing agent or iodine) now im using red sea marine salt the colours have come up good in the gobies

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