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Stressed blue gourami?


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I have a beautiful female blue gourami who I've had now for about 3 years. Physically she is in perfect condition- fat, well coloured and a very big eater (nickname Miss Piggy!) but she seems to have some sort of a stress issue that has got worse lately, and I'm not sure what is causing it or what to do about it.

She's in a 120L planted tank with a male blue gourami (he's a bit smaller but they get on fine, a little bit of chasing here and there but nothing too bad, most of the time they swim around peacefully together), some silver hatchets, cherry barbs, black neons, a pair of apisto's, some golden leopard cories and female killies, all of which are peaceful and pretty much get out of her way when she swims by.

She just seems to be getting really worked up and stressed out lately-spending half of her time hiding under the plants taking huge gulping breaths, then she will suddenly dart for the surface to get her air but after taking a gulp at the surface she'll swim manically around the tank, smashing into the glass, heaters, filters, everything! and making huge splashes everywhere and freaking all the other fish out. It's completely random and quite awful to watch as I'm so worried she's hurting herself. She's been one of my favourite fish for a long time now and I don't want to lose her! Anyone have any ideas what could be the cause of this and what I can do to calm her? The tank parameters are pretty standard- pH around 7, temp 26, with fortnightly 30% water changes. It's in my bedroom too so not a busy part of the house and doesn't get bumped around...


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I would do weekly water changes.Starting now.Some thing is not right,if she is dashing around like that,and gulping air.Are you sure the barbs are not chasing her,i have heard they can be nippy.Have you tested your nitrates .Try the water change first,and see if she calms down.

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Have tested nitrates, >20ppm according to my test (I'm pretty regular with my water changes in all tanks), no detectable ammonia or nitrite either. The cherry barbs are peaceful as can be, they are one of the non-nippy barb species I believe, and don't seem to even take any notice of any of the other inhabitants. I'm totally stumped, as they all seem fine and dandy except for her :-? :( Going to try adding some garlic to food from tomorrow as an immunity enhancer, just wishing there were some kind of anti-anxiety medication I could add to the tank (fish valium anyone?! :wink: )

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