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if you get serious, you can make a photo tank that you can place fish in... the one I have just made is 300 high x 150 wide by 50mm deep. I have made this from low ion glass which is 99% clear rather than the blue green natural colour of normal glass. After cleaning all glass, you place the photo tank against the existing tank so the fish is against " natural" background but is held in a small area making focusing a lot easier

but only if your really serious

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if you get serious, you can make a photo tank that you can place fish in... the one I have just made is 300 high x 150 wide by 50mm deep. I have made this from low ion glass which is 99% clear rather than the blue green natural colour of normal glass. After cleaning all glass, you place the photo tank against the existing tank so the fish is against " natural" background but is held in a small area making focusing a lot easier

but only if your really serious

Dang, and heres me just using the plastic container the business cards came in!

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what ever works is great... With me being a glass merchant, I tend to look at what I can do within my trade and low ion glass is great for that type of work

The best fish photos I have seen are taken without a tripod and with the fish in small show tanks

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If your camera has a macro mode, use it, that way photo's won't come out blurry. Personally I don't use the flash as it tends to wash out the colour but it does bring out the irridescent colours of some fishes scales.

One more thing: Patience, that photo will come, just give it time.

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Sometimes I think a camera lens looks like a big mouth to the fish :lol:

I use a tripod and keep the camera 2 or 3 metres from the tank, then the fish don't even see you. Use zoom to get in on the fish. The more optical zoom the better as opposed to digital zoom.

A continuous shooting mode is handy.

For tank pics I use the self timer so the camera is as still as possible and like Casper said....take heaps of images.

A tip I read in another thread is to remove the heaters etc from the tank to give a cleaner look.

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