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rotating flow nozzles


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has anyone used these as a cheap workaround for better water flow? attaches to your powerhead.


Reference: http://www.stm-shop.co.uk/acatalog/Whats_New.html

only reason i ask is most water moving device in your tank is HELL expensive (eg: tunze). would appreciate replies from those that have used them first hand, not just "oh, they are crap" because you heard it from a mates mate.

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I looked at these units, in some detail. Looks expensive, but if you have to buy 4 Eheim pumps (as I will for my new tank) its fairly reasonable.

Ultimalty I have decided that I will go for the seperate pump approach, I didn't see any real advantage to these units, other that the 'randomness' of the current, but I think I will get better results with individual pumps on a wavemaker/timers.

Also plumbing everything back to a single point its fairly impractical as far as I am concerned.


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  • 2 months later...

well for anyone who is interested, this is what they look like. its quite biggish and chunky but it does give pretty good random flow. works well on my powerheads. i dont think i will be able to use them on the closed loops as the loops coming in at the back of the tank are too high. when the flow nozzle rotates, water will be ejected out the top of the water! im considering putting them in on an angle though,... somehow... anyways, heres the pics. unfortunately the 2nd one had the flash on and is a bit hard to see how it works. the whole black part rotates around the white part.


this pic shows the unit taken apart. the left part rotates around the right part:


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