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Kusuri for Discus?


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Hi, I see there is a remedy out called Kusuri which can be used for the treatment of gill flukes, worms etc in discus, does anyone have experience with think or know if it would be safe with clown loaches? I usually use Prazi and fund thus a safe option but uts hard to get !!

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Hi guys

Is this stuff realy good on flukes in discus?

And is it safe in planted tanks or is it like many other qures for flukes and it kills everything in the tank and even the biological filter?

Sorry if i'm going off topic :)


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Yeah its necessary to pour it in over one hor period because the powder is dissolved in boiling water and if u suddenly put thewhole cup ful, this will be a big shock to the fish. I aave contacted the wholesaler in the UK and he has said it is totally safe and is tested many times on his discus. The wholesaler owns a discus breeding company in the uk , he sent me some to Auckland but MaF quarintined it and i sent it back to get a refund, the wholesaler is a nice guy. the guy which i bought Kusuri from is in Rotorua and suprisingly he gets his shipment without it being quarintied. If some one wanted to the can register the product wih MAF and retaail it here in Nz but it is a big hassle

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