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The water level has gone down in my tank over the weekend when i was away but i thought it had just evaporated from the heat of the lights.

I should of know it was down too low.

There is water coming out from underneath the tank so im guessing there has somehow developed a leak in the bottom somehow :(

I have no other tanks to put the fish in either.

The tank is around 80ltrs and has my 10 convicts in it, 2 of which have spawned.


What should i do?

I don't have the money to get another tank just yet and it takes a good week to repair a tank :(

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put fish in big plastic container with heater if you have internal filter, canister filter or air operated sponge filter they will be alright til you repair tank or even just air stone but slow down on feeding

do 20% water changes every second day if you like

convicts are relatively tough

make sure heater is not touching the plastic, suspend from stick into middle of container if your concerned

good luck

PS you may lose the fry

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Your fish will live happily in a chilly bin, rubbish bin, large plastic container from warehouse etc with their heater filter etc.. Like living art has suggested :)

I believe barrie the resident glassier said that silicon cures at 1mm per day or something like that so I guess if you stuck a thin layer on it may dry within a day.. A hairdryer or the like may dry the surface layer but wouldn't go too deep..

Also you may want to ask yourself why it has happened, silicon has a life and if the silicon has perished a quick patch up wont work so well your better off to reseal the whole thing :)

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If you get a container from the Warehouse (or where ever) DO NOT get the top one, I did when we had a mad , late night panic over a leaking/broken 500lt tank. I grabbed the first couple of 100 lt plastic bins. they must have have sprayed the shelves with something , because even after hosing and cleaning out the new bins one killed almost all the fish in it, and contaminated the fluval404 filter! Lesson learnt for me.

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Make sure you get the right silicone!

Barrie will give you the full run down on this.

The difference between aquarium silicone and silicone is that the company has paid to have the silicone tested to be safe in aquariums.

Otherwise all silicones are fine provided they don't have additives (mould inhibitors etc).

Our local glazier - Barrie - has made all of his tanks with non - aquarium approved silicone. They don't leak.

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