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Archocentrus sajica spawn...


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Heya guys...

I thought I would just share this quick clip of a young Sajica pair and their little brood at the bottom of the flowerpot... they have at least 30-40 fry... You will see a little brown mass at the bottom of the pot, that is the fry huddled together after coming off the side of the flowerpot walls... My camera video is not the best, we are still due for a camera upgrade.. :roll: The person on the other end of it isn't much better mind you :lol:

Please Note: If you have computer speakers on you might want to turn them down, while I was doing a quick little clip my darn cell phone text tone went off in the background :-? :roll: :lol:


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:lol: :lol: Yes I am System Of A Down crazy.. can't get enough of them, however not everyone is a fan... :lol: So thought I better pre warn... glad to see Mark and Tiden have taste :lol:

Thanks for the link :D They are gorgeous fish... have bred two lots now, came home just now and I have about 50-60 it turns out swimming around with ma and pa :D

Have some youngsters out in the shed too... Definately going to keep these going, they aren't overly common in NZ.. So am designating one big tank to them.

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Here is a pic taken this afternoon of only some of the little blighters, there are loads of them :D I will get another shot later today of them with ma and pa.. they are growing like weeds, just goes to show how great brineshrimp is 8)


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.. they are growing like weeds, just goes to show how great brineshrimp is 8)

I had heard it mentioned on here that you couldn't feed bbs to cichlids which had me rather confused because my kribs were doing really well on it.

Glad to hear it was only a myth

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I know of many fishkeepers that feed brine shrimp to their cichlid hatchlings... I have raised young apistos etc on it, they do well.... the sajica are doing great too, they also get other food too, not just being raised on the brine shrimp solely.

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Here is mum looking over some of her babes.. she and her other half are excellent, it is funny... throughout caring for the eggs, she was the one that did all the work, fanning and keeping them clean... he just wasn't interested and she would forever try to get him into the pot to do his share, however with no success.. yet since the babes are out and about he is very attentive... so he's not the deadbeat dad I thought he might end up being :lol: :lol:


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