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Betta with Cotton Mouth??


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I'm not 100% sure, but I think my betta may have cotton mouth. Got him from LFS yesterday.

He's got what looks like whiteish fluff growing around his mouth and greyish areas near the gills on at least one side (not sure if thats part of it or just his colouration) I'm currently trying to get pics, but the lighting set up in the tank isn't ideal for taking pics (and I'm not good with setting the camera correctly) so I will post pics when I can.

I can't get to LFS until tomorrow and have no drugs on hand, is there anything I can do until then? I read this spreads rapidly.

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have you got rock salt or tonic salt? What else have you in the tank?

you can add 1 gram per litre to the water depending on what else is in there or take the fighter out and put him in a seperate container floating and salt that instead.

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If you are certain its cotton wool mouth I would isolate him - you can get rock salt from the supermarket if there is one handy to you. First thing tomorrow get something like furan. Remove all carbon from your filters before treating the tank.

Can you post a pic.

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I live in a small town, so both the supermarket and the shop are closed, closest supermarket that would still be open at this time of night is a good 40 minutes drive away.

I don't have another tank available, can I just put him in like an icecream container? Even if I removed him and treated him while isolated I'm still going to have to treat the tank anyway because of the potential spreading of the disease right?

Having troubles getting a good photo, the tank lights are blue and aren't the best for producing correct colour and clear photos. Might see if I can switch the bulbs with the old ones I have.

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Ok so fish has been taken back to shop. The owner says that it isn't actually cotton mouth but the fish has cut his mouth on something.

She was pretty adament that it wasn't cotton mouth as it wasn't fluffy (it looked kinda fluffy to me) but whatever. I'll take her word for it, at least it means I don't have to treat the tank.

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