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Names and Meanings..


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-means sorrow

-Via Dolorosa - Latin for "way of suffering" or "way of grief"; the path that Jesus walked on his way to his crucifixion

David wrote:

David; my parents are both school teachers and knew how badly kids with different/unusual/funny names get mocked at school

Smart parents! Hated my name growing up, the first day of school was nightmare for me when I had to stand up and say my name, ugh! Although, thinking back nobody made fun of my name that I recall, I was the only one who hated it!

Plus it was my second name which caused confusion sometimes...sooo, needless to say all three of my kids had short first names by which they were called and couldn't be shortened, although some people will call Tracy "trace"...grrrrrrrrrr :evil: :evil:


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Hard names cont..

My boyfriends father is dutch and his mother is fillipino; his last name is french and so he was given a french name:

Michel [pronounced Me-shell] - French for Michael; Who is like God?

Well; lets just say that from what I've heard, he had a pretty hard childhood with that name, being constantly called Michelle and teased because people couldn't pronounce his name.

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