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Red eared sliders


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My female is driving me nuts.She keeps banging on the glass trying to get out.I was thinking she wants to lay eggs.I have tried putting a container on her platform,but not interested.So i took her out side and she found a spot and started to dig,then lost interest and moved on.This has been going on for three days.Or is she smarter than i thought and just wanting to get out,as i some times let them have walks.What do other turtle owners do,when their turtles want to lay?.

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You are correct,but my turtles are kept in a heated tank so they dont go through hibernation.I have heard of them breeding at all times of the year.Just took her out again as she was digging on floor by the pot plant.If that is what shes trying to do,i hope she finds some where as it is bad for them to hold on to them.Sat out side with her and had a coffee hopeing she would settle some where and dig.

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you have to get her warm if you want her to lay.setup a basking lamp or put her in a box in a warm situation,then if we ever get a warm day?take her outside and watch her,you could have one of those working lamps setup if she starts to dig set it up behind her to keep her temps up.failing that an indoor setup with a nesting container of pottingmix/sand etc moist but not wet ,just so it will keep its shape as she digs.If you had a knowledgable vet you could also warm her up give her a shot of oxytocin and suspend her in a harness hanging off the ground as she will still go through the moitions of digging/laying/burying.just put something soft for the eggs to land on and again keep her warm.have seen this done but never actually done it mtself,good luck.

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Thanks for that repto.I dont want her to breed till summer,but it seems i have little choice in the matter.Im more worried about her becoming egg bound,as i read if they cant find some where to lay they will hold their eggs and can become bound up.Then it becomes costly and turtle can die

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Thanks for that repto.I dont want her to breed till summer,but it seems i have little choice in the matter.Im more worried about her becoming egg bound,as i read if they cant find some where to lay they will hold their eggs and can become bound up.Then it becomes costly and turtle can die

if no luck, take her to the vet and give her some oxytosin (sp???), she will lay. last resort though, better than being egg bound..

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