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Chimeras Tank Build (Sump room, new tank etc)


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well cookie thats been the whole plan all along. slowly sneak in LARGE equipment then drop the hint about a larger tank. "it wouldnt cost that much honey because i already have the gear to run a larger tank" :wink: "oh, well maybe you should get a bigger tank then?" :D "hmmm, let me think about that for a mi... ok."

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It works well :D

Well I've already started to plan out a tank upgrade :D I know, crazy mofo. This will be a long term plan that Im code naming "project mini oregon" (as in steve weasts tank in the US, http://www.oregonreef.com/ I would be happy to have it half as nice as his by the time its finished!!!) It will be proportionally more wider (deeper?) than longer, going 1 foot wider (to 6ft) but 1 ft deeper (to 3 ft) Still 2 ft high, and from 540 litres to just under 1,000 litres. I have managed to retain a dedicated 'in-wall' room for the display tank at about 3.5m long by 1.6m back. This leaves 700mm at the back for piping (if any) and walk space. The 'hole' in the wall will remain at 5 ft so 6inches either side to hide streams. Closed loops will be more stealthed and no extra LR will be used (so more 'swim space' for the fishies!) As I say, it will be a long term (1 year) project due to costs and time. The entire stand, tank and lighting outfit will be designed and built in the garage first. I've already made sure I have room to 'walk' the tank into the tank room :D

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I can't wait to see the plumbing ;)

Sounds like a solid plan. Why not go bigger (deeper, higher?). I saw pics online of an inwall (bare bottom shhhhhh) but the botom of tank was at least 15cm lower than the bottom of the viewing window. he had rocks on the bottom right up at the front with acros etc growing from them. The uber thing is it not only made the tank look deeper as fish could swim left/right and up/down out of view but it made the tank looks more 3d as opposed to a shelf of rock and sand that we all have.

Lets get this sucker started. First thing is you will need a larger skimmer ;)


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I can't wait to see the plumbing

live and learn :D the next tank will be plumbed up beyond your imagination :wink: im buying shares in mico's next week :lol:

Why not go bigger (deeper, higher?).

lighting. its going to need more lighting than you could poke a stick at if it goes deeper anyway so would rather stick to more 150's as opposed to fewer 400's to get a better spread of light. could go 650 i guess. anyway will leave that one for another day :D cant go deeper (fr to bk) coz i've only got 1.6m in the room and need room behind for plumbing and walk space! I think it will have what I believe most tanks lack - the sense of depth. for that reason i may consider a black background. so much to ponder!

but the botom of tank was at least 15cm lower than the bottom of the viewing window

good idea, food for thought. lots of research will need doing on rc.

Lets get this sucker started. First thing is you will need a larger skimmer

ah ha haaaa, not!

planning will be key this time. will be spending quite a bit of time getting it PERFECT. i have some cool new ideas (plus some borrowed ideas) that will make it the best circulation a tank has ever seen :wink: it will eventually be THE best tank in NZL - oh wait, i need some corals first :lol: speaking of which, my pick of NZL's best tank for overall layout and colour would be westy1 (warick's) It's only a 4 footer (or was it 5?) but that tank is STUNNING. dont see him on this site anymore?

will start up a new tank upgrade thread when i get seriously into the design

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half that!

Yeah JetskiSteve has been bringing in DelTec skimmers and equipment at prices that can't be beaten. $1500.00 or less for that skimmer brand new is a bargin. I paid more than that for mine 2nd hand a few years ago.


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half of $3700 is $1850 dude! :D got it slightly cheaper than that coz the exchange rate was good but still a bargain. its a damn good skimmer and its already stripping out crap like you wouldnt believe. i expected it to take a few days to bed in!

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Here's a couple of shots of the back of the display tank. Rennovating the front of the house now so the perfect time to reduce the size of the new ensuite and walkin wardrobe (going in the foreground) and have a nice large fish room :D (I even went with 3x2 for framing rather than 4x2 to squeeze every extra bit of space I can get!!!) Second shot is a side-on view showing how much space I have to play with. There is about a metre from the back of the tank to the new wall, so I reckon a foot deeper with the new tank should still give me enough room to walk around. A false (raised) floor will be built around the new tank so it's easier to access. Im also putting a cavity slider in otherwise a standard door wouldnt open over the false floor. The cavity slider was purposely positioned too so that the new tank can be walked straight in through the laundry door (far right of top pic) and directly into the fish room without worrying about corners!!! I've decided to spend a bit more now and put marine ply up on the walls in this room. I used standard ply in the sump room and polyurathaned it, while this has done a reasonable job there are areas where the salt has almost destroyed the ply. I am also considering using aqualine gib. The sparky has already wired up for a light plus a big extraction fan :D Because the room will be smaller than it used to be there is more chance of over heating so the fan will have battery backup plus a temperature controller if the display tank goes above a certain temperature. I also made sure the window (shown bottom pic far end) I got in this room was one that slides up for easier access from the front deck outside. The particle board floor will be sealed with a sealer (forget the name of it, but its the stuff that is part of the new building regulations that is used to coat bathroom floors or any wet areas, kind of like a fibreglass resin from memory?) I'll probably run the sealer a few inches up the ply walls just incase of a major leak plus put a drain in the centre of the floor :D The hot water cylinder is getting moved elsewhere so the tank can be accessed from all sides.

Anyways enough rambling, heres the pics:



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