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Chimeras Tank Build (Sump room, new tank etc)


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I hooked up my TDS meter to my RO/DI unit tonight. water in was 75ppm, water out 0ppm. cool! it cost a few more bob in buying taps in order for it to fit though. well worth the price - I think it will pay for itself in the long run.


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a couple more small pic's i took tonight. even after all this time still playing with the settings - sometimes the pic's just turn out too blue :-?

regal angel going for a clean up...


clown peek-a-boo...


shrimp close-up shot at 'dawn'...


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Very nice tank chimera once again, the pic above is that a filter from your tap?

yes, it is a filter from the tap. has pre-filter, carbon filter, reverse osmosis then deionising filter. very important for saltwater tank top-up. some dont use one at all, i personally wouldnt be without one. those without one should have a very good skimmer :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

well keeping in line with other tank updates :D I did some work on my tank over the weekend too. I bought a rotary tool (aka dremel) on the weekend. i needed to drop the level of water in my refugium so had to cut down the (glass) overflow. I used a diamond saw that came with the rotary tool (a Ryobi from Bunnings) which did the job reasonably nicely. Slightly up and down on the cutting but was reasonably difficult to access considering its an angled overflow. The water level has now dropped down by about an inch so no more water running over the rim!

I also had a problem with the amount of water entering the refugium from the display tank, water come at such a speed that it bubbled up and over the edges. Of course, now the water level is lower its lesser of a problem but definately still an issue. Without the glass top on the tank the water would splash up onto the lights causing salt creep everywhere! To reduce the bubbling, I added a 45 degree bend with about 10 inches of 40mm pipe going down into the refugium. Along the top edge of the pipe I used a jigsaw to cut about 20 lines in the pipe (could have also used a drill). The water now bubbles out of these holes rather than all out the end hole. Much better! Still need to tweak it even better, will post pic's when this is done.

I also reduced the size of my (perspex) baffles in the sump by about 1.5" too. Did this because there was not enough room in the sump from back syphon should the return pump power off. This was a mission as the baffles were under the sumps centre brace. I found the most effective way was to use the (diamond) cutter to start the hole then use a jigsaw to finish the rest. I tested this and it appears to be alot better.

After dropping the fuge water level, I gave it a good clean up too (especially scrapping off and removing the film of cyano on the back of the fuge glass!!! :evil:) then added about 2kg's of coarse sand to overtop of the finer sand. I also added some filter wool to my MDC (modular detritus catcher, TM :D ) to catch any algae/caleurpa before it enters the main tank. After about 3 hours, the wool was absolutely COVERED in CRAP! I cut the wool longways, chucked away the multicoloured piece and replaced with the new piece. I estimate that from the reduction of the overflow in fuge and baffles in sump, I've reduced the total water volume by approximately 20 litres. Not a major in the scheme of things of course :D

Im also looking at using a fluidised ROWA reactor - when I find more time, I will still be sourcing/pricing up to DIY one (or two or three). If anyone knows where to get cheap pre-made cylindrical and flat perspex bits, please let me know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I decided to take the plunge and join those who use the best powerhead on the market. Jetskisteve offered me a TS24 kit (2 x Tunze Streams and multicontroller) at a price I couldnt refuse. So, last night I replaced one of the Seio M1100's with a Tunze 6100 stream (german plugs, only had one adaptor at the time!) Wow, what an insanely cool pump. You always hear people raving about them, but you dont get the picture til it's in your own tank (and I've still got another to put in!!!)

I will be setting up the other pump tonight so will take pic's then. I think I will set them up as Tunze recommends by having them tidal, switching on/off between each pump every 6 hours. I have put one of the Seio M1100's in my refugium, the other one is for sale if anyone is interested. A great pump for the price. Selling for the same price as RnB was selling his for, $125 (no offers. will ship anywhere in NZL for $5). PM if interested.

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  • 2 weeks later...
you should have used a level though, it looks a bit wonky


amazing how a camera can be so deceiving taking pic's on an angle. lets just pretend its 'by design' :D

here's another view of the wonky tank (or should i say wonky hands)


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no, didnt take any close up's. will do tonight - a bit hard to tell from the pic's above, looks alot nicer closer up! ever since i added rowphos, the tips of the acro's are starting to colour up nicely. im going to drop the halides down closer to the water surface tonight (about 2" closer) as they are too far away - especially considering there is only two of them as well. one particular acro is starting to colour up really nicely, pink with green tips - that one is directly over the centre of the halides. i badly need a 3rd halide...

going to borrow my mates canon 20d and get some decent shots too.

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How much flow comes out of your Sea Swirl? Mine have hammered the tank so much I have been forced to take the 2 nozzels of them just to stop them from digging holes in the sand. I also have my streams off at the moment as the Sea Swirls provide more than enough current through the tank. Be interest to know how yours is going.


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Yes B, it's a pink pocillapora

I calculated that the Iwaki 55RLT (through the 1" Sea-Swirl) is doing about 4,000lph, closed loop is about 13,000lph (maybe slightly less because of pipe restrictions), and Streams are pulsing between 3600lph (30%) and 10,800lph (90%) each (or 7200lph and 21,600lph total) Main tank is about 520 litres so that's anywhere from 45 to 75 times turnover per hour.

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Makes me tired just looking at it


usually i dont touch it and just let the coralline grow. however the coralline growth looked a little odd because it was not even all over. i like the blue look. as soon as i scraped it, a bit of the coralline headed down the overflow and into the fuge. now the fuge coralline growth has taken off which i'm happy about!

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I just mean it looks like hard work. My front glass needs cleaning about 3 times a week. I once had delusions about cleaning my back glass. It lasted, well, lets just say I never got around to it.

I like the blue look too.


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