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How Long can Fish Survive outside Water ?


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I was wondering how long fishes can survive out of water, without taking a breath ?

How long can a:


Neon Tetra


Discus :evil:

Arowana :cry:

Survive out of water ?

Also what Is the longest time a fish can survive out of water.....

Thanx in advance :)

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What on earth are you planning on doing with them? I doubt they actually hold their breath when taken out of the water.

Bristlenoses can last several hours but I don't know about the others. As long as they stay wet they should survive a leap.

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I think bettas and gouramis likely can live for quite a while out of water as long as they're kept wet. I'd guess a few hours, but not something I'd want to test. Neons, guppies, etc. I'd guesstimate maybe a minute, they might be alive longer than that but I'd say more than that they'd just be too stressed and damaged and would likely die soon afterwards. Discus and arowana...Probably a few minutes for both because they're bigger. But, it's like saying, "Hey, Breakaway! How long can you survive if I shoved your head underwater?"

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Brilliant answer Ira... :):)

Many years ago back in the UK we used to stock our local lakes with fish from other lakes, many which were tens of miles apart.

We would wrap them in a soaking wet towel then place in a plastic bag and go like hell on the motorbikes to the next lake.

Not every fish survived the ordeal, but most did, and we always had fish in our local fishing possie. :)

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At a National Show held in Palmie one year,

they had a huge Giant Goramy as an eye-opener.

To get it home after the show literally fell in my lap.

We carefully lifted it out, onto a wet towel, wraped it around the fish.

Then with it balanced on my knees in the back of the car,

returned it to it's owner, none the worse for wear.

Oh! By the way.

It never flicked once, not even in catching or releasing it.


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I wouldn't recommend testing it, but bettas and gouramis can apparently live for hours, sometimes even a day, out of water if they jump or something. They can breathe the air using their labyrinth organ so the thing that kills them is usually drying out. As I said though, it wouldn't be a good idea to test it.

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Had a goldfish jump from a bowl once and was found later in the base of a potplant. Was covered with mud and completely dry but after an hour back in its bowl it was fine, however it not something I wish ever to try again on any fish as I believe cruelty is not only giving what is not required but also taking away that which is.

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I wouldn't recommend testing it, but bettas and gouramis can apparently live for hours, sometimes even a day, out of water if they jump or something. They can breathe the air using their labyrinth organ so the thing that kills them is usually drying out. As I said though, it wouldn't be a good idea to test it.

I will never do anything so cruel. Its like taking you and putting u in water and seeing how you do. Not quite the same thing, but its still cruel.

BTW, what is a laybrinth organ ?

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:lol: no the guy had drift wood from his tank in the back of the car he was moving up here to auckland and was bringing the fish he didnt want to me, plecos often bet stuck sucking wood and get taken out of the tank

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goldfish dont do well out of water for to long about 5 min tops, i had someone come into work last week because a kid at her daycare took the fish out of the tank and put them out side in the rain to have a shower and then let them dry off inside ( poor fish)

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