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ID please (non aquatic)


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I know this section is for aquatic plants but these climbers are beside my pond so I figured that was close enough :lol:

Can someone tell me what these two climbers are and whether they die off over winter? They did last year but I'm not sure if that was because they were supposed to or because they were hit by the particularly bad frost we had that took the tops from some of my hebes too :roll:

First plant is this one...


Second plant looks like this...



and produces large seed pods


I can't remember what the flowers looked like. :-?

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Does the se cond have orange trumpets then it could be campsis or as the leaves look almost the same does it have a white flower or a blood red flower. The red flower could be a mexican blood vine (?) and the white flower could be another form of pandorea. I think you will find that they are both pandorea...

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I seem to remember they were white. They are very similar but grow differently. The one with the flower shown grew nicely up the string and onto the pagoda but the other sent runners out in all directions and I have had to lift them up off the ground and wrap them around the climbing string.

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