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RODI vs Ultrafiltration - 5 stage purification system


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hi all beenlooking at rodi and found a ultrafiltration system so asked the seller the difference and this is what i got

Ultrafiltration which to put it as simple as i can, R.O can filter down to 0.0006 microns as ultrafiltration can be down to 0.001. smallest bacteria size known is 0.02 microns

so what my question is will this do the same as an rodi for a reef tank?

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hi all beenlooking at rodi and found a ultrafiltration system so asked the seller the difference and this is what i got

so what my question is will this do the same as an rodi for a reef tank?

It would be fine if the RO was there to filter out bacteria. Which it's not. It's there to filter out metals and other contaminants.

A copper atom for example is 0.000145 microns(About 1/4 of the smallest size an RO can filter in your example) but luckily you rarely get free single atoms, they're usually in multiple atom molecules. If you had a bit of copper oxide in the water it would be in the range of double that plus the bond length gets you somewhere around .0006 microns.

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