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I'm a dumbass


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Bah. I had 1 BN, 1 male dwarf gourami and 10 female bettas living happily in 190L. I couldn't resist the short finned betta danilada was selling. He's very cute and there was no fighting or anything at first so it seemed all good.

Well now my 3 adult girls are full of eggs and have been a bit shredded, by the boy I'd imagine while my young girls are fine. But mr man has not made a bubble nest as far as I'm aware as I have too much water movement at the top.

Suggestions? :(

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Oh hi. Yeah it's funny he's not blowing bubble nests but it'd be because of all the water movement - it's a really deep tank so I've got like 3 air stones to keep the water oxygenated (plus my bettas seem to enjoy it).

I just floated him in there for a while then let him in and watched for an hour or so to see how they got on and there was some posturing but minimal chasing. They were all good for a couple of weeks, and I'm really pleased that him and the gourami ignore each other - but last week I noticed one girl looking bloated and now all three look fit to burst and he's harassing the hell out of them :cry:

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Yeah, there can't be any water movement for him to build a bubble nest. He might be trying, but YOU try building a house of cards in a 24 hour earthquake...

:lol: Poor baby. Truly, I don't really want to breed them or anything, I just don't want them to get infected and die :(:(

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