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Im 24 male living in Auckland, just started my tank up in December. Its a 110l tank, holding at present a m & F pink kissing fish, 1 black shark, 10 black dainios, m & f Kribs, 2 flying foxes, 2 brisslenoses, 1 colbalt blue gourami, and 2 yellow sucker fish not sure what they are called, alos to female platies.

I have had trouble keeping alive male platies, and also just had a lot of deaths with angels, and my gourmi's.

Feel free to add my msn or yahoo to yours, and we canchat. :roll: :-? :D

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Hi beeko and welcome to the fish room. How long has your tank been set up? I am not sure what size a 110L tank is (never good at working it out) but I wonder if you have been adding too many fish too quickly without gining the tank time to 'cycle'.

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welcome to the fishroom beeko, if you want to chat come along at 9pm most nights and join our chatroom (click on link at top of page) there is usually a group in there about then.

How long has your tank been setup, do you test the water, are you still having deaths, do you have plants, what sort of filtration do you have??

lots of questions, but its always good to find a cause for deaths in the tank

also as caryl asked, what size tank, length width and height.


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kisses would be around the inch mark at the moment.

from what i was told at the shop tank is still quite understocked, will have to get the measure out and see how big it is. juts measures tank is 30l 15 w 16 h

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Hi Beeko,

Welcome to the forum.

You have to think 'future'.. when thinking of fish, in other words, not the size they are now, but what size they will be a few months down the track.

Usually tank stock limits can be worked out by using the adult size in preference to the shop bought size. :)

Overstocking can stunt growth, plus cause major probs.

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Tell ya what Beeko, you are lucky to have a pair.

Kissers are nortoriously hard to sex, even in adult form,

an expert eye is needed.

So we'll say you have two kissers.

Did you know that they can get to !2"

long and are used as food fish.


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