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Chris's marine tank (pics start on page 4)


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Do you have any kalk power yet? If so mix it into a paste (like toothpaste) and completely cover the little buggers, some suggest just putting a little bit on them but I find this (and most other things) just makes them break up into smaller bits that re-attach and grow again. Taking the rock out makes this easier but also makes it hard to spot them, they just look like a little slimy patch out of the water.

There is also a new product from red sea call aiptasia-x that looks like it might be good, but I haven't seen it here yet.

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i am 99% sure i killed all the aptasia with boiling water and an eye dropper

But is there an easier way to get rid of the green things i was sitting there for like 1 hour and got about 200 of them off and there are still lots on the rock

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But is there an easier way to get rid of the green things i was sitting there for like 1 hour and got about 200 of them off and there are still lots on the rock

For me, I removed the rock from the tank and into a bucket of tank water, then picked them off using a small screwdriver. Gave the rock a slosh and returned it to the tank.

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Happens to everybody! :lol:

You will love a 600 litre tank, just so much more you can do. But first, do consider the cost, you will need a bigger skimmer and more lighting.

If you can handle that, go for it! :D

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Another one of these midnight conversations! :lol:

Tim is a retailer?

Before jumping in, to me anyway, you should just run the skimmer brand and type past a few reefers to check it is 1. up to it, and 2. priced right, before spending your hard earned dollars. Lighting is less of an issue because it is easier to tell what you are getting for your buck.

Hope that doesn't offend anyone but as I don't know any Chch retailers i hope what i say will be taken as an unbiased opinion.

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Tim is a Tank Builder (inside Oceans) He also has alot of Knowledge in marine

We were thinking 2 150watt MH and as i wont have much in there for now i have a couple of small skimmers that im running on my two temp tanks. Then before i get more fish/corals i will upgrade to a better skimmer

The tank is a strange shape it is an octagon but the base is 120cm x 75cm it also has a sump

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Ok well that will work. However it is not much light for a tank that size you will be limited to low light corals although you could have a few high light needing ones if they are right under the light. Also, there are some very nice low light needing corals. Most LPS, and mushrooms, will do well. Some of these are very colourful.

It would be nice to see a tank with lots of those type of corals rather than the sps dominated tanks which have more or less become the standard now. Having said that, it will just be a matter of time till you want to upgrade your lights! :lol:

Skimmer wise, Don't know what your skimmers are but anyway once you do upgrade get a good one, it is the main crap removing device in the tank and the quality of the skimmer goes a long way to detirmining the quality of the tank.

But hey, you're in business with a 600 litre tank! COOL!!!!

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