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Bolivian rams and Angel's yay or nay?


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I don't have Bolivian Rams, but when I introduced my pair of Blue Rams to my community tank (with a pair of angels in it), there was a bit of chasing/displaying until a hierarchy was established. Now they swim around together happily. I assume the same type of thing would happen with Bolivian's...


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My Angels are definitely the dominant group of the tank, no question there. (I'm guessing it has to do with their being almost twice the size of my Rams ;) ) My Blue's tend to avoid conflict, after they sorted out who's who, I haven't seen any aggression from them towards other fish.

I guess it really depends on the temperaments of your fish and the size/layout of the tank. (My Rams have lots of places to hide if the Angels get aggressive)

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I have Bolivians and angels in the same tank.

No problems at all with mine, the two species dont even really interact in my tank. It may be different if you have a breeding pair of Bolivian Rams, as mine are both boys.

Even when aggressive angels are usually harmless, most of the time mine only get aggressive when defending a spawning site, which is ok in a 4 foot tank as there is enough room for everyone to get lost for a little bit.

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