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Discus Breeding tank


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I have a 3' (160Ltr) tank setup with a pair of discus which I would like to breed. Water is around 6pH and soft and tank has Cabomba and some Val’s. Can put any other fish/catfish in there with them as they are a quite shy and don’t eat food straight away which means some gets to the gravel and goes bad.

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get your ph up to 6.5-6.8 i know that everyone says low ph but trust me they do better and breed better in tht ph.

what food are you feeding?

get in there face run your hands round the tank they will be shy at first but they will get use to it. i do that to everyone i sell and everyone that see's the discus i sell as me do i sleep with them because they rush to the front of the tank when people go up to them.

dont feed them meat!!! they dont eat cows in the wild!!

whats your temp?

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If your not suppose to feed discus meat why do all the breeders in the world use it to raise their fish, no there are no cows falling in the rivers but it is well known and there are thousands of artices about beef heart being used to raise discus.All my discus are raised on beef heart till they get to a good size and are then weaned on to tetra bits ,flake and other foods. I have breed and raised over 1200 discus in the last 5 years and it works very well.

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thats great :D

good luck i hope you can rase them , fingers crossed!!

there is a new frozen baby brine shrimp in a punch out pack the babies will eat that if you cant grow live ones (brine shrimp)

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Yeah well my excitement was a little short lived. I did a stupid thing and scared the parent sso they ate the eggs. Was doing so well too. lasted almost 3 days. Still I have hundreds of Danio babies I have to take care off

Ooopps Sorry Danios not belong in Cichlid forum. :o

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More eggs on Friday. Sunday now and look very good. Last time was friday evening too and they ate them Sunday night so heres hoping not this time. Also this time I got to watch them, they are fasinating.

Discus are very English. All prim and propper :o

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Was reading in one of the discus books yesterday that some discus breeders once the eggs are laid and fertilised they put fine mesh over the cone until they are hatched and that stops the parents from eating them????

was interesting but not sure????


then they are supposed to be all maternal ... :-? :-?

The book was good reading... :)

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Thanks Mouse I will give it a go.

Its friday and yes they have spawned (Are laying right now)again. This time on the side of the internal filter though.

I thought I would have a 2 week window? I havent even done a water change this week.

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