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is it worth getting a heater?


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I have BN catfish and goldfish happily living together... have only had them over the summer months so far so have had no problems.. Im a little concerned about whether the tank will remain within temperature over the winter periods.. My house is generally warm over the winter months as I have a fire place in the living room (same room as my fish tank) and it gets quite hot! Although the fire is almost always going, it does cool down over night when i go to bed.. then i light it again in the morning to heat the house. Do you think my BN will be okay, even if it does cool down for a couple of hours.. or should i invest in a heater.. my tank is small so i'm worried about over heating the goldfish!

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Yes.. the bristlenose will need a heater for a NZ winter.

Just set it at about 21C, then it will only come on when it's needed. The Goldfish will be fine at that water temp, it will just seem like summer all year round.

My kitchen temp was 10C when we got up this morning, no worries for a goldfish, but it would have been dead plecos without a heater.


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Personally I wouldn't bother.

I have had bristlenoses in an unheated tank and they have bred.

seen this happen in a restaurant tank too that was by the entrance. the bristolnoses had no problems with the temp

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