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Planning to overstock...


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- My tank is 100L

- The surface is 600x350mm (450 tall)

- Using an eheim 2213 canister filter

- plan to use CO2 + plants

- Stocking mostly with Gouramis and Corys

Will I be able to stock more than 26.5 inches of fish? Would it be unreasonable to?

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Depends, is that going to be a 25" giant gourami and a 1.5" cory? Then no.

If it's going to be maybe 5 pearl gouramis and a handful of cories then it should be fine.

I mean...I had like 200+ "Inches of fish" in a 100L with a Eheim 2213 before.

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Is the filter alone going to make that much difference? It looks, shall I say 'substantial' for the size of the tank, especially considering a small HOB filter should do the trick.

I kind of figure the '1 inch per Gallon' rule is a guide only, but to what degree can it be manipulated by increasing bio-filtration and adding O2 via plants etc.

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The 1" rule is pretty much useless when it come to working out how many fish a tank can actually hold.

It doesn't take into account the actual mass of the fish. 10 x 1" neons isn't the same as 1 x 10" oscar.

It doesn't take into account what filtration you are using, double up the filtering or get a good cannister filter.

It doesn't take into account what water changes you are prepared to do, change 20% per fortnight, or 50% twice a week?

Of course there are limits as to how many fish you can keep in a tank, and the closer that you get to that limit the more carefull you have to be.

But like Ira said, I've had tanks WAY over the 1" number. I sold some guppies last month, 40 of them, about 1" long. From a 80L tank. And that was only 1/2 of them. There was also a kribensis and a small pleco in there. Now that tank had 2 filters , a bubble wand and got 50% water changes every week, but the fish were fine.


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I once suggested a cubic neon rating for fish to be used for stocking levels.

Say you can stock a tank at 1 liters per cubic neon.

100 L tank= capacity for 100 cubic neons.

One neon=1 cubic neon.

If you have a bigger fish, let's say a full grown severum. That severum would be 8 neons long, about 5 neons wide and about 15 neons tall. So that's 8X5X10. Therefore a full grown severum=400 cubic neons. :P

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The filter will make very little difference to the amount of O2 in the water which is what allows you to increase the stocking rate---it will just keep the water cleaner. You will need to increase the surface area to increase the exchange of CO2 and O2 to increase the stocking rate. This is normally done with heavy aeration and this will drive off the CO2 and allow the uptake of O2. This will of course defeat the purpose of adding CO2. Overstocking with fish will increase the amount of nutrient created by the fish which will lead to algae problems which is not a good idea when growing plants. It is common for importers or serious fish breeders to overstock by increasing the aeration but it is normally done in bare tanks. Overall I would suggest this is not a good idea.

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Hmmm... it's clearer to me now that there has to be a compromise somewhere in the formula!

My thoughts at the moment for stocking are:

1x SAE

2x Pearl Gouramis

2x Dwarf Gouramis

3x Leopard Corys

(would love a cooli too!)

I'm going to scrap plans to over populate my turbo charged aquarium and just get a bigger one down the track. Thanks for all the advice! :bow:

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