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I heart my pictus cat


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:( Warning to all

Dont buy pictus with nipped whiskers I'm down to one now they other two developed infections at base of whiskers, moved to eyes and karked it within 2 days.

There is no such thing as a good deal

I'm Sooo P**sed off i shoulda known better :evil:

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:( Warning to all

Dont buy pictus with nipped whiskers I'm down to one now they other two developed infections at base of whiskers, moved to eyes and karked it within 2 days.

There is no such thing as a good deal

I'm Sooo P**sed off i shoulda known better :evil:

You must be gutted. So sorry to hear that. :cry:

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I could say that but it was my choice. I got cocky and ignored my own common sense, nobodies fault but mine.

They prob would have been fine if they were dosed with melafix, isolated at the LFS for a week. Then the moving stress wouldn't have knocked em around so much.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing....I think I may buy a crystal ball or some Tarot Cards before I buy my next expensive fish....either that or just dont be stupid. :wink:

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I could say that but it was my choice. I got cocky and ignored my own common sense, nobodies fault but mine.

They prob would have been fine if they were dosed with melafix, isolated at the LFS for a week. Then the moving stress wouldn't have knocked em around so much.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing....I think I may buy a crystal ball or some Tarot Cards before I buy my next expensive fish....either that or just dont be stupid. :wink:

Don't he so hard on your self its a lesson one you will hopefully not repeat :wink:

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All gone now :cry: thats $126 down the porcelain express.

I got worried about the lone pictus in an agressive tank so I moved him to my Community tank, I had hoped cories would stop him pining until I found a healthy mate for him (ruined a good net in the process).

It looks like my sneaky bully is back in action in this tank (ironic that he gets killed after I move him from my SA cichlid tank so he'd be safer) this morning hes is missing most of his tail and he has massive patches of skin missing. I put him down :(

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