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My New Tank


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Well i got my new tank and have posted about its problems but i realised i havn't posted just about it. so here goes:

I got mytankit was smaller than i originally went for but still bout 85L. i have some twisted val. and last monday was my Birthday and i got 4 Platties. i originally went to get some Catfish but the owner of the shop said to start with the platties so i just agreed, she had remembered me from the week before, its a really good shop and she knows what she's talking about, also if she had sold me the Catfish, she would have got more money out of me.

Anyway, i always thought that a couple of bristlenoses would have been ok to start with.

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Joelay, cherish those dealers.

They can save you heaps of money, and, by you realizing this,

will have another loyal customer.

I would have used a school of neons, six or so.

They are colorful and show off well, and are our cheapest fish in NZ.


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I know, my girlfriend and her family uses this shop for their Reptiles and we all went down to look at tanks and i realised that it is a great shop, she knows a lot about both fish and reptiles and won't let any customers do anything wrong, its not particularly local but its worth the drive.

The Platties we're only £4.00 for 4 which is $11.80 (seems a lot). The reason i got them was because i'd like to keep Angels eventually and i heard that tetras might get eaten, She said that these would be ok with angels and they we're pretty colorful.

BTW is it Platties or Platys? or neither, i'm not sure.

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Ok then Platies. that looks a better spelling anyway.

I have a small problem. One of my fish developed fungus and then died overnight :( i was going to get him treated the day after but had ded. :(

Also my Nitrite levels are high, they went up when i put the fish in but they still havn't gone down even after i did a 50% water change. i'm a bit worried, what could be causing it. i have Plants, Gravel, Bogwood and fish in my tank. I think the filter is working ok but they are still high. any ideas?


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Whenever you add more fish your nitrite levels will rise as more fish = more poo. This means the bacteria in the filters have to reproduce faster to keep up with it. If you add too many fish at once the bacteria can't keep up and your fish will die from poor water conditions like too much ammonia. If you have added too may fish you will have to do daily water changes for several days.

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Well its been high for about 2 weeks, i didn't think that they would spike for so long, its probably because it had never had fish in before and hadn't built up any bacteria. i had done a few water cahnges, a couple of 50% ones. a few days ago i did a huge 60-70% waterchange and left it a couple of days. Now my nitrite levels have gone down to almost zero so hopefully i will be getting some new fish on the weekend, probably 2 bristlenoses.


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