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My new 24 Litre Tank

Nana Luke

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Hi guys,

A few years ago I had a couple of big fish tanks. One with 2 12" Tiger Oscars and a turtle, and one with some smaller fish. We had to get rid of those tanks though because we just didnt have room for them.

So i've decided to get back into the hobby. I've just bought a little 25litre tank to keep a couple of little tropicals. I was initally going to get goldfish, but have read heaps on this website about why it wouldn't be a good idea.

What sorta fish can I put in it that aren't too big? I want something colourful and I don't want a heap of fish, would just like to keep a pair of fish. Want something with a fair bit of character too. Not like guppys or anything. They get boring. No offence to anyone, I just want to try and look after something new.

The tank measures 40x26x29cm.

All help appreciated.

Cheers 8)

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Just been at my LFS talking to the fish guy there who I dealt with back when i had my other tank. He had some Albino kribensis and thought they'd be fine in it. He also had some harlequin rasboras too - they are a groovy little fish.

So i've got a bit of choice. I'll wait for my tank to heat up then make a decision further.

What sorta temp should I be running for all these? It's been a while since I've done this!

Sorry for the nub questions guys and girls!

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Set your thermostat for about 22-24 for Harlequins. Probably the same for Kribs.

Let us know what you choose.

Harlequins colour up real nice in a group too - lovely rosy colour to the flanks, always active, easy to feed.

Good luck with your tank!

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Wait, I lied, just did a google image search on harlequin rasboras and they weren't what I thought they were.

The fish I'm talking about were sort of guppy looking but they were a bit longer without the big tails and they had little bits of green and then purple shiny spots all over their dark bodies.

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