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You Too Can Write Articles


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The following information is actually on the Home Page but I have repeated it here in the hope it enthuses some of you.

The FNZAS publish a quarterly magazine called the NZ Aquarium World. It is NZs only magazine for tropical, coldwater and marine fish hobbyists and I am the editor - always on the lookout for suitable articles from hobbyists.

If your article gets published (we are a genuine magazine with an ISSN and everything! :lol: ) you will receive a free copy of the magazine in which your contribution is featured. Of course, if you are an FNZAS member you get a free copy anyway :roll:

This magazine is available to affiliated members and subscribers only, it cannot be bought in shops. You might find it in your local library as we send copies to some of them.

You do not have to be a journalist, have perfect grammar, or excellent spelling skills to write an article.

An editor’s job is to take submitted material and correct any mistakes before fitting it into the page.

I have received articles with a note from the author telling me to print it as is, and not alter it in any way, and I have had others who have asked me to make any changes necessary.

If you have the ability to send clear, printable graphics or photos that’s fine. If not, I am happy to find suitable ones to match your article.

Not everyone has access to a computer, so neat handwriting is perfectly acceptable but if you are able to type your article, it is a lot easier for me to use as I can scan it directly into my computer without having to re-type it.

A few tips to start with:

Write about something you know, or have access to plenty of accurate reference material.

Keep it to a maximum of two or three A5 pages (that’s the size of the magazine page) unless it is an in-depth piece. Even just a paragraph or two is helpful. The magazine is printed in Arial 10 by the way to give you an idea of text size.

Stick to the facts. If writing about a visit to a pet shop, talk about the shop, not what you wore or how you got there etc - unless it has relevance to the story.

If reporting on an event, remember that a lot of your funny asides may only make sense and be amusing to those who were actually there at the time.

You don’t have to be an expert. Methods of breeding etc are different. Whatever worked for you must be OK.

How I write articles

Decide on my topic.

Search for any books or magazine articles (and pictures) I have on the subject. Check the Net too (but don’t believe everything).

Read all the relevant articles found and discard those which only repeat information already in others.

Use information to form my own article, rearranging words and sentences when necessary to avoid copyright. :wink:

List all the books, magazines and web sites used in a Reference at the end of the article.

Little bits and pieces of information, or hints, are always useful to use as fillers at the bottom of a page.

“Did you know…â€, or the meaning of certain aquatic words or terms are always appreciated. Short jokes (preferably fish related), slogans, one-liners etc are all handy.

The magazine is only as good as the contributions. Everyone has something to offer the hobby and the Aquarium World magazine is the ideal place to tell everyone what you have found out, made, tried or experimented with. Even failures teach us something and we can make sure others don’t repeat our mistakes.

Come on, I know you can do it - WRITE AN ARTICLE - I DARE YA! 8)

Contributions may be emailed to me at any time. My email contact is at the bottom of my posts.

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When did you send it? I can't find one from you. :cry: :oops:

I have a separate sub file I move all AW related items into so they are all together. I know I lost one of billaney's when I accidentally dropped it into the folder below :roll:

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