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Just wanted some advice on glossostigma as I am looking at getting some but want to know how hard/easy it is to grow in an aquarium, I know its needs a good amount of light and our tank is 60+cms deep...

What kind of gravel/substrate should be used for best response etc.



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It is a very small plant with small roots and is not easy to plant so it would be easiest in sand or very fine gravel. Very difficult to plant in standard gravel. Requires very good light and 600mm is a tall tank.

It is normally grown emersed so it will be difficult to convert to submersed growth in a tropical aquarium at this time of year. I have some and could send you a bit for $5.00 p&p only but I would advise against it unless you have intense light like metal halides.

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Hmm no thats great advice thanks Alan its what I needed to know, as I wasnt sure with the tank being so deep, the lights arent that good either, so maybe I'll leave it as a project for a smaller tank.

Do you know any plants that have that same sort of look/effect in a tank that doesnt require such intense light (and isnt tasty to silver distichodus :lol: )


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Saw a great tank once I think it was just java moss and caboomba. Glosso isn't as hard as riccia. This is the glosso carpet I grew in a 50cm deep tank but I had a 400w metal hallide light above it. It was a lot of fun but next time I'd do 2 metal hallides at each end so it covers the whole bottom. It has a great carpet effect...


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Even with that light it eventually it all died off.....apparently the reason is is that in the wild it grows sometimes submersed other times right out of the water which of course it never had in that tank. I see riccia as harder cos you have to tie it all down, no roots at all

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hah yea riccia can grow like wildfire esp under metal hallide and create a matt that blocks light to the plants below......but if you put the effort in and tie it down or grow it through stockings and attach it to rocks and driftwood it looks magic

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