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:bounce: <-- they kind of look like these but they dont have eyes and arms and bounce around and are a little furrier. :lol:

Wondering if these are available in NZ? If anyone has heard of them and knows where to get them, as far as I am aware they arent, again we used to be able to get these in the UK and as far as I know they werent that common at the time as we used to resell them on ebay for quite a bit.

Any info would be appreciated - Thanks!

Check the picture they are beautiful and look absolutely fantastic in the aquarium, my plec used to just rest on them for hours.


http://www.myfishtank.net/reviews/data/ ... -large.jpg

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  • 2 months later...

i seen something similar in the lake down here when i was swimming last summer.

it was a green ball of fuzz growing in the sand.

So i grabbed 1 and put it in my tank and it grew for a few weeks but i was never bothered with it and ended up throwing it out.

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Marimo Balls are filamentous algae belonging to the family Cladophora. Its name is Cladophora aegagropila from Japan. Cladophora species exist in the South Island and maybe they might exhibit the same characteristics of the marimo.

To si_sphinx, marimos do not adhere to the bottom they are free to roll around that's why they are spherical shape, that one you got from the lake might be the NZ version of Japan's marimo balls. Can you send some to wellington?

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Here's an odd but effective alternative:

Get some of that "fake fur" wool in dark green (make sure it's 100% polyester).

Wind it around a small river stone until the stone is completely covered.

Put it in your tank.

I've been using that method for some years now - making fake plants as well as fur balls. The wool seems to be fine in the tank and doesn't come apart. I've even boiled some of my fake plants to sterilise them and they are still fine.

I now have dark green, black and black/orange fuzzy rocks in my tank. Must take some photos to show you how they look.

By the way, I often see my bristlenoses sucking on the wool. I think it probably traps some interesting bits out of the water and the BNs come along and suck it all off. Probably also a good place for beneficial greeblies to live, so would make a useful addition to a new tank.

And my barbs use the fake plants for spawning in.

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