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When to separate Kribs from their fry?


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I have got 2 pairs of Kribs breeding in my tank, one after the other. I have got other fish like Swordtails, Neons and Guppies in there.

Now, both pairs seemed to have got the spawning thing right, as they both have successfully laid eggs and hatched them. I have been keeping an eye out for one pair which had their fry for about 3 weeks beforehand.

Now, one day, the fry has all disappeared. I assume their parents must have chased them away as they are quite big now (about 1cm each). However, due to the other fish in the tank, I knew those fry won't be long lived.

So when do I separate them from their parents? And what would be the best way? A hose?

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Hey we have had 2 loads of krib fry, from what I have learned, take the father out, he may end up eating them, the mum usually protects them for quite some time, we just left the mum in with the fry until they were big enough to start exploring around the place without following her, or when she started not caring about (or eating/pecking) at them.

2 lots of fry ended up being over 100 fish! once they breed they just seem to keep going so we had to seperate them in the end, this is fine of course if you have somewhere to sell them too, we were just new to the hobby at the time but ended up swapping them for some other cool fish in the UK.

I hope this helps :) kribs are beautiful fish and look really colourful when breeding.

P.s I have no idea how to seperate them, we used to move the parents to a breeding tank when they showed the signs, and then left the fry in that until they were too big.

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