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First succesfull breeder


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I am so proud of my yellows they bred about a week before i went to aus and i was there for about 8 days

to my surprise i came home to find her still holding

so after deciding whether or not to pull down my tank and strip the mother, im left with 14 baby yellows :D do the happy dance

they have bred many times before but due to my interferance they never came to term i guess it pays to just leave it up to the fish

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danilada - why don't u strip them from her to save them, hun? You can do it pretty easy with the round end of a paperclip and a tumbler. I think Mystic had a good post on here about it once upon a time. Sometimes nature needs some help, trust me!

cichlidmad - congrats mate, always a memorable day when you get your first successful breeding, natural or not ;) Thanks for sharing with us and if you got excited enough to take pictures we'd love to see your new babies :D

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looks like im going to have to start an account with photobucket

the babys are eating well on micro worm and bbs

ive found that if you syphon off a small amount of water and as much of the hatched bbs then freeze the bbs in the large meat trays you get from pacnsave(plastic ones with grooves in it ) then your left with blocks of food ready for the babies and its easy to seperate too

but the best bit is no cysts or capsules for the fish to choke on

how does everyone else feed their babys?

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my yellows are probably your yellows brothes and sisters doch

i have 4 older ones that i got from lfs in palmy but once the male i got from ryan grew up it beat the living snot out of the older male and now has atleast 6 ladies to keep him occupied the older male just watches from afar and sulks

his yellows are amazing they are byfar the healthiest ive seen in nz

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