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Whats wrong with my partners tank?


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Well my partner had a 150 litre tank with live bearers , kribs , cory's and a couple of fighters.

Last week noticed his problem was gone all were floating dead weird aye.

since then fish have been dying at least one a day and water smells foul.

he does do water changes, I am thinking as he has used sand and then rocks on top that food has got trapped and now there is a build up of bacteria.

Water also has a green tinge to it.

We dont have a test kit at this stage and tank has cycled.

Fish are not diseased they appeared very healthy, The only ones dying are female guppies, guppy babies.

Do you think its build up of bacteria?

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Yes, do the water changes.

Something is wrong with the water in the tank, some large partial water changes cant make things any worse.

The only times I have problems in my tanks is if I get slack with the water changes and gravel vacs.


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Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but with sand don't you have to "run" something (fingers for example) through it occassionally to release trapped gases. I can't think right now where I found it but if I remember I'll post the video I found on vacumming sand and part of the cleaning was running fingers through the sand.


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