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fish food


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Mostly flake, tetra bits(Though, I haven't been able to find any in about 6 months) and various floaty pellets. I don't bother feeding my big guys brine shrimp or anything most of the time. Occasionally they get some homemade food, but I've run out and haven't gotten around to making more.

Oh, and they get mealworms after every waterchange, I've been trying to train them to take it from my hand. It's working great...With the severums, bloody green severum, I started putting my finger in his face to shoo him back because he'd grab all the mealworms if given the chance. Worked for about 2 feedings and now he's figured out that finger doesnt hurt him. I can have my finger on his head and he'll still grab the mealworm.

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My community tank fishes get flake food and bottom feeder pellets with the occasional freeze dried tubifex and live daphnia. They also get cucumber and peas when I think of it as the bristlenoses like it.

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