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DISCUS keepers?


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Can you please tell me what you keep you

*can't think of word* :wink:

(water parameters maybe?)

Nitrite, Nitrate, PH, KH, GH, Ammonia etc!

Just invested in a test kit for Mum, as she seem's to have a bit of trouble with discus :cry:

So we would like to know what our tank water should be testing at!

Thanks in advance!

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Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia - all 0

pH at or below 7

kH/gH doesn't really matter unless you're breeding and it's not necessary to drastically adjust the general hardness or alkalinity when you first start to keep discus unless the values are very high.

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Thanks Blue!

We lost a Red Melon last night, and have follwed all precautions you have given.

* daily (10%ish) water changes.

* Added Bacteria from you tank.

* PH was 6.5 ish

* Nitrite and Nitrate was 0

* Ammonia 0

No signs of any-thing, just discus last night started swimming *wobbly* then was dead this morning :cry: Mums heart broken.

Although, 2 Angels, Neons and Corys are doing fine!

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I feed blood worms at least twice a week and it's never been an issue, but it's the ones that float away and are found a couple hours later behind decorations that can be a problem - and that goes for any food.

Wow, that's a lot of dead discus. The only other thing I can think of is creeping poisoning, which can be caused by many things including old copper pipes. That said it could still be bad food. How many times a day is she feeding them?

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Once to Twice (I think)

Our other thing, is Dad siliconed some netting and these bouy type things to the back to give it a "under water" impression, could that be it?

It has a heater, a fluval filter, some driftwood, gravel, plants, a boat ornament, a cave that lights up.

2x angels

15 or some-thing neons

2x male guppys

4-5 corys

and thats about it!

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do you know if the silicon was aquarium safe? It could be leeching into the water. Have any of the other fish died?

How newly introduced are the angels? I dont actully keep discus but I have heard that it is not good to keep them with discus as they are hardier and could be harbouring disease that could spread to the less hardy discus. I

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